Imagine a movie that gets stuck on one clip- the same scene flickers and shakes as a backdrop against an audio that’s also on pause. And so we sit there watching, wondering if it will magically correct itself and continue the show, or if someone’s going to have to get up and resolve the stuckness- either by wiping the DVD or trying to fast forward to the next scene. Sigh, and am I going to have to be the one to get up and fix it?
Sometimes we find ourselves in such a sticky situation (pun intended) of identifying with both the stuck DVD and the “I” who has to fix it. If I feel stuck in life, trapped in my own thoughts, rambling around in my head, then what happens? Then I am rambling around in my own thoughts and focused only on me, rambling inside myself, focused on my own stuff, my own worries and troubles, what I think about it and how I feel about it…creating elaborate scenarios about how I might handle imaginary conversations with certain people, or what I would have done given this situation or had this happened instead of that…and so on and so on and so on… a pretend reality that I create inside myself. On repeat. The same me stuck in the same flickering scene with an audio that’s also on pause! Not only does that feel insane, it only serves to perpetuate more of the same!
- So after feeling stuck for a while one begins to experience a shift and realizes several important insights.
- Awareness of beginning to feel sick & tired of being sick & tired.
- Being stuck…It feels boring. It is boring.
- Obviously no one is getting up to fix the DVD, so I’m going to have to get up and do it for myself.
Aha! Now let’s say we get up & press fast forward on that narcissistic stuckness. Action. Okay- done. Now what do we see…what do you see as you move waaaaaay beyond stuck and into the now? You are alive and breathing! It’s awareness of this. Whether you feel it or not- it’s true. Action of any kind outside of one’s self is the necessary movement away from stuckness and into living now. The truth…Selfish focus fades when we act outside of ourselves.
What does your fast forward look like as you move into action outside of yourself? Are you winterizing your garden, helping a neighbor shovel their drive? Taking medication properly, bathing and wearing clean clothes? Are your blinds open to the smile of sunlight? Do you dance by the light of the moon? Love on your pet…snuggle with a loved one…cuddle a warm thought as a prayer?
If you dream it and perceive it, then consciously and unconsciously you work to make it happen. (This works +/-) It’s up to you. So why not envision yourself the best you can be! And so you