Welcome and thank you for visiting the www.kentuckianacounseling.com website. I would like to introduce you to my private practice as a licensed clinical social worker, offer mental health articles on wellness and provide information for community resources.

My name is Mina Thevenin, LCSW, PLLC. I have been a clinical therapist since 1989, serving both Kentucky and Indiana residents…eventually opening my own practice in 2004. Individual, couple and family therapies are offered. My focus work with clients is simple: wellness. Living in balance of mind, body and spirit creates wellness. Whether my help takes form in a therapeutic relationship or giving a smile to a passer-by, the piece in balance (peace in balance) is available to all of us…reaching out to us, from us in every moment, every thought, every breath. Incredible.

Perhaps a smile is part of a whole. Imagine that this simple act creates a chain response, a butterfly effect, Doppler- like the rings of the water droplet. Buddhist thought ascribes that one is unable to distinguish between where the water droplet begins and the ocean begins… “And when you do this to the least of these- my brothers and sisters, you do this to me,” Jesus.

When I take care of my mind, body and spirit, I am affecting my place in this world to be positive. This awareness reminds me that I am also taking care of you, too.

You know, I am talking about smiles and water and you may be wondering what this really has to do with balance in wellness. Another perception I invite you to consider is to look at all of this as a metaphor… be aware that each thought you have, each feeling, each act- effects not only your peace but also the peace of others.

So, in that spirit, I give to you a smile.

credendo vides,
Mina Thevenin

IntroductionWellness WisdomMedical CornerArtwork GriefLinksContact

Mina Thevenin, LCSW, PLLC Individual, Family, and Couple Therapy
8521 LaGrange Rd.
Louisville, KY 40242
phone: (502) 814-3721 fax: (502) 814-3575

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